Winter Camp 2015 – Charleston, SC

aikido 222Each Winter, Wadokai Aikido students from the affiliated Wadokai Aikido schools meet at our Hombu dojo (headquarters dojo) inĀ  Charleston S.C. to participate in what we call Kangeiko, an aikido intensive, weekend seminar. This event gives students a chance to learn aikido directly from Sensei Suenaka himself. Since the inception of this event, Sensei Suenaka has carefully chosen specific aikido techniques of Suenaka-Ha Tetsugaku-Ho Aikido that relate to a common theme or principle. What also makes this event so highly beneficial and worthwhile is that students will spend about twelve hours practicing various Aikido techniques under the direct supervision of Sensei Suenaka.

winter-camp-2014Another fantastic aspect of the annual Hombu Winter Seminar is that it allows students to come together and celebrate each other. This event is kicked off Friday night with a wonderful meet and greet, a time when you will find older students getting to know the newer students or catching up with dear old friends while chowing down on some amazing food.