DVDs 4 Vets Drive 8/1-31/2014

The aim Aikido RVA is to be a community service dojo as well as a place to train.  So I would like to take time to ask for participation in our latest project that will be held this and every August.Aikido RVA will hold a DVD drive for Vets for the month of August.  At the end of the drive the DVDs will be shipped to DVDs4Vets  who will send them to a V.A. hospital.
DVDs4Vets is asking for new or slightly used DVDs.  However, they asked that we stay away for sending adult material DVDs or anything deemed scary like “SAW i, II, and III.  The DVDs do not have to be in the original sleeves or jackets.  Those will be packaged and sent overseas active duty troops.